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Category: pain

Got Arthritis Pain? Nov20th 2022

Got Arthritis Pain? Find Relief Without Medication

Taking an opioid painkiller for relief when a person has arthritis, especially in a weight-bearing joint like the knee or hip, can be a great temptation. The bad news is that while an opioid can momentarily relieve pain, the patient’s bones continue to grind together, exacerbating the underlying source of the problem. That’s before you

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Pain and Inflammation May5th 2020

Nutrition Tips To Decrease Pain and Inflammation

Nutrition plays a crucial role in preventing and eliminating pain and inflammation in the body. It’s important to understand what pain and inflammation are, the causes and symptoms, and how both nutrition and physical therapy can help. If you’re experiencing pain and inflammation in your joints, the cause could be more obvious than you think.

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