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Category: physical fitness

Dec20th 2019

Do You Depend on Opiods to Keep You Moving? Understand how PT can Kick Your Opioid Dependence.

Do you rely on drugs such as oxycodone or hydrocodone to help you get through your day without agonizing pain? Do you worry that these drugs may be placing your health at an unacceptable risk? Do you feel anxious or count the minutes until your next dosage of these pain relievers regardless of that risk?

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Dec10th 2019

Did you Know Physical Therapy Can Help Reduce Stress Related Headaches?

The work day is almost over, but your inbox is full and your to-do list is long. You are already thinking about the many things you’ll have to handle in the evening, and what will be facing you when you reach your desk again tomorrow. You pinch the bridge of your nose, but to no

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Knee and Hip Pain Nov10th 2018

Overcome Knee and Hip Pain for Good with Physical Therapy

Hip pain and knee pain are a part of life for many people. Cartilage in the knees, hip or lower back can wear down due to overuse and lead to discomfort or arthritis. Sometimes just a straight-up injury can cause pain. While some cases are so severe that they could require surgery to repair an

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